Saturday, October 30, 2004

..:: ReOpen 911 ::..

..:: ReOpen 911 ::..

Thursday, October 28, 2004 / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / Eyewitness to a failure in Iraq / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / Eyewitness to a failure in Iraq: "Eyewitness to a failure in Iraq

By Peter W. Galbraith | October 27, 2004

IN 2003 I went to tell Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz what I had seen in Baghdad in the days following Saddam Hussein's overthrow. For nearly an hour, I described the catastrophic aftermath of the invasion -- the unchecked looting of every public institution in Baghdad, the devastation of Iraq's cultural heritage, the anger of ordinary Iraqis who couldn't understand why the world's only superpower was letting this happen.

I also described two particularly disturbing incidents -- one I had witnessed and the other I had heard about. On April 16, 2003, a mob attacked and looted the Iraqi equivalent of the Centers for Disease Control, taking live HIV and black fever virus among other potentially lethal materials. US troops were stationed across the street but did not intervene because they didn't know the building was important."