Saturday, December 04, 2004

Bludgeon A Monkey For Jesus: Can I get a Tortured prisoner with that Big Mac?

Bludgeon A Monkey For Jesus: Can I get a Tortured prisoner with that Big Mac?: "Friday, December 03, 2004
Can I get a Tortured prisoner with that Big Mac?

Sweet, U.S. military panels can use 'evidence gained by torture' during their reviews of foreigners being imprisoned at Guantanamo. The Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General Brian Boyle during a U.S. District Court hearing on lawsuits brought by some of the 550 foreigners argued that the detainees 'have no constitutional rights enforceable in this court.'
Another great reason why the world should love Post-911 America.

Anyways I dont really understand why testimony given under torture was ever banned. Oh well there was the way European governments used to torture members of their Jewish communities into the forced signing of confessions to the charge of ritual murder-the killing of a Christian child in order to use his blood in Jewish religious rites. Confessions gained through applied torture by the prosecution. R. Po Chia Hsia has written a few impressive books on this topic. 'Even after the Jews confessed, the authorities continued to torture them in order to ensure that they told roughly identical stories, and to ensure that their stories included certain details that the authorities imagined would be present. By coercing confessions, the strappado had the added advantage of stripping the Jews of the dignity of martyrdom.'